Pregnant Woman Could Lose Baby via H1N1 Vaccine

In Canada they have just withdrawn 170,000 doses of the vaccine for the same reason. In the US, many pregnant women have lost their babies after having the vaccination, several people have had Guillam-Barres paralysis and there have been seizures too. There also have been 1,329 reports of suspected adverse reactions to Pandemrix in four weeks.
There have been two cases of anaphylactic shock, one child experienced arthritis and two had seizures. But all these reactions have been called "coincidences" by the vaccine companies and our MOH informed us that there are no concerns about these reports. Now that the H1N1 Vaccination Campaign has been suspended, so many unanswered questions lead to us getting very suspicious as to what is really going on. People should educate themselves about the dangers of any vaccines. Especially before allowing themselves and their children to be injected by something which can cause so much damage. Don't just ask your doctor. Research on the net and read books and get a well rounded education about something so important. So many people just repeat whatever rhetoric on the subject their doctor and government has brain washed them to believe.
Please also be aware that the vaccination makers will do everything in their (enormous financial) power to deny that this death has anything to do with the vaccine. It's not a vaccine that I would want to have until the safety of this jab has been clinically proven to OUR satisfaction.

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